Science Notes/Physics (10) 썸네일형 리스트형 Skyrmions - magnetic flowers blooming on spiral magnets As I was surfing the internet, I found an interesting image[image 4] - a hedgehog configuration of a skyrmion. I had been wondering about whether a one pole magnet can exist, warping a magnet's shape. The image seemed as if magnetic force pointed outward from the sphere. Skyrmions The concept of a skyrmion was proposed by Tony Skyrme as a model of the nucleon. Skyrmions are also found in spiral .. Li-Fi - Wireless communication using light The term Li-Fi(Light Fidelitly) was first introuduced by Harald Hass in 2011. It is a way of wireless communication that uses light pulses as a medium for transmitting data. Transition speed is much faster than that of regular Wi-Fi, and can theoretically reach up to 100Gb/s. Solar Panels Solar panels are essential to Li-Fi technology because it converts light into electricity. When light enters.. Alcubierre Warp Drive(워프 드라이브) Alcubeirre Warp Drive The Alcubierre warp drive is a dirve that works by space distortion, as shown in the image below. According to Alcubeirre's metric, by expanding space behind a spacecraft and compressing space in front of it a spacecraft is able to move forward in speeds faster than c. This is similar to surfing on a wave - only that in this case, its a wave caused by distortion of space. T.. Ferromagnetism and Magnets(자석의 원리) Ferromagnetism Ferromagnetic objects are objects that consist of magnetic domains each with magnetic fields, arranged in opposite directions in nature, but alligned when an external magnetic field is applied. All ferromagnetic materials loose their ferromagnetivity when heated over the Curie temperature. Each ferromagnets have different Curie temperatures. Condition of Ferrromagnets All ferromag.. Why lightning strikes the highest places(번개가 잘 떨어지는 곳) Lightning strikes have been a mystery to mankind since the appearance of thought. In the long past, people were afraid of it, and imagined it as a weapon of Zeus. We are still unearthing the mysteries of lightning, and there are still a few unsolved ones, but that's not the point. One of the most interesting facts about lightning strikes is that they seem to hit only high places. Then how come l.. Why is there more matter than antimatter?(세상에 물질이 존재하는 이유) At the moment of the Big Bang, space was filled with energy. In the middest of that, pair production and pair annihilation of matter and antimatter happened everywhere. But then, a question comes into our minds. How come only matter survived, when matter-antimatter pairs were created and destructed as pairs? According to CERN, about one out of a billion particles survived, and they were matter, .. Quantum Computing - How It Works(양자컴퓨터의 원리) Famous IT companies like IBM, Google, Intel, ....etc are jumping into making quantum computers, and are making some success. But then, what are quantum computers and why are they so important? In this page, I am going to explain qubit-based quantum computers. A normal computer calculates and stores data using a system called 'bits'. A bit can be either on or off, or in numbers, 1 or 0. An n-bit .. Escape Velocity(탈출속도) Escape velocity is the speed that an object(let's say a rocket) needs to acheive in order to completely travel out of the area of a planet's gravity. It depends on the radius(if the rocket is launched from the surface), and the mass of the planet. The mass of the rocket does not affect the speed it needs to achieve. But why is it like this? To figure it out, the method of kinetic and potential e.. 이전 1 2 다음