Other Stories (3) 썸네일형 리스트형 2021 자율동아리 과학영자신문반 (2) _ The Science Behind Tenet (2021 2nd semester) Tenet is a science fiction action thriller film released in 2020, written and directed by Christopher Nolan. The “Protagonist”, a CIA agent, after consuming a suicide pill following an extraction operation at the Kyiv opera house and being captured& tortured by mercenaries[i], awakens to learn that the suicide pill was a test of loyalty. The Protagonist is recruited by Tenet,.. 2021 자율동아리 과학영자신문반 (1) _ The Immune System (2021 1st semester) Smallpox is the first and one of the two infectious diseases ever eradicated by mankind. Smallpox brings severe skin eruption and dangerous fevers, and there is no cure for the disease. It was not until the invention of the first vaccine by Edward Jenner in 1796 that smallpox began to retreat from humanity. Hearing the news that milkmaids who had caught cowpox were not infect.. Is language essential for thinking?(생각하는 데 언어가 필요할까?) Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." As a human being, we think all the time. We think about almost everything: how the weather is like, everyday scedule, etc. But when we do, we usually use language to do so. In fact, language is used in thinking so much that it is hard to imagine that it is possible not to use it. I was interested by this topic and began researching, and found out about .. 이전 1 다음